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Our story

In 2012, Alexandre Beaudoin became a biodiversity advisor at UdeM. After two years of work around UdeM and Mount Royal, his gaze extends to the entire Montreal agglomeration. Supported by the landscape architect Marie Le Mélédo, they jointly design a project for an ecological food corridor and bring a new vision of the city to the city.


In 2014, the Sustainable Development Unit of the University of Montreal, in collaboration with the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough, launched the Corridor Écologique Darlington project.


Planting of a nourishing forest including fruit trees, edible plants and medicinal plants, in the heart of the mountain campus of the University of Montreal


Installation of 44 giant garden pots on the Darlington axis which were made available to citizens to allow them to plant the fruits, vegetables and flowers of their choice.


Carrying out of the 1st citizen consultation on Mount Royal at Maison Smith with the participation of 28 citizens


In collaboration with the Green Patrol of the grouping of eco-districts : planting of a nourishing forest with more than forty fruit trees and shrubs at Darlington Place.


In collaboration with the City : installation of a shed to provide access to water to citizens gardening in the giant garden pots and a storage place for gardening equipment.


In collaboration with students in communication, landscape architecture and environment and sustainable development from the University of Montreal : realization of the Interface Project which analyzed a problematic of the Corridor Écologique Darlington according to the field of discipline of the students.


In collaboration with the students of the DESS in environment and sustainable development of the University of Montreal : dressing of the Darlington Place site by producing informative posters about the work, the food forest project and the installation of giant garden pots.


Carrying out of the 2nd citizen consultation within the pavilion of the Faculty of Planning of the University of Montreal with the participation of 12 citizens.


Development of honey meadows for pollinators and trails on the slopes of the Chateaufort Garden.


Installation of street furniture and feeders on the closed street section of Louis-Colin.


Edible urban agriculture development on Darlington Place.


Installation of road signs indicating the route of the Darlington Ecological Corridor.


Realization of the 3rd citizen consultation in the heart of Place Darlington with the participation of 42 participants.


In collaboration with civil engineering students at Polytechnique : carrying out studies on rainwater management and development potential on the Darlington axis using an ecological approach


In collaboration with communication students from the University of Montreal : creation of a program to promote citizen participation in urban agriculture with regard to giant garden pots


Consultation with traders in order to survey those who would like to manage one or more giant garden pots

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